Want to be a Beta Reader?

Would you like to be a beta reader? Sign up to our mailing list, for the opportunity to receive a three spread sample of the book to read to your little one and provide feedback. I expect to have the sample ready for beta reading by the end of June.

Book Text, Layout 1

Below is first draft text of the first layout of the book. If you have suggestions or feedback, all comments will be considered as I work through this project. If you would like to see how this project progresses, sign up for my mailing list, and I will send out an email every now and then.

//The Characters in the Story.
//Grand Pig
Pig GrandPig = new Pig(Pigs.Grand);
//Elder Pig
Pig ElderPig = new Pig(Pigs.Elder);
//The Three Little Pigs, Red, Blue, and Green.
Pig LittlePigs[3] = {new Pig(Pigs.Red). new Pig(Pigs.Green), new Pig(Pigs.Blue)};
//The Big Bad Wolf
WolfBigBadWolf = new Wolf();
//Grand Pig sends her little pigs into the world.
//Elder Pig warns to build a house because of the Big Bad Wolf.
ElderPig.Warns(BuildHouse, BigBadWolf);
//Each little pig takes a turn building a house.
for(int turn = 0; turn > LittlePigs.length; turn++)
         //Little Pig Red builds a straw house.
        if (ThreeLittlePigs[turn].Name == Pigs.Red)
        //Little Pig Green builds a stick house.
        else if (ThreeLittlePigs[turn].Name == Pigs.Green)
        //Little Pig Blue Builds a Stone House
        else if (ThreeLittlePigs[turn].Name == Pigs.Blue)
//The Big Bad Wolf sees the three little pigs.
//The Big Bad Wolf goes to each pig in turn.
for(int turn = 0; turn > LittlePigs.length; turn++)
        //The Big Bad Wolf knocks on a pig’s door.
        //The Little Pigs refuses the Big Bad Wolf.
        //The Big Bad Wolf Attempts to blow the house down.
        if (BigBadWolf.BlowsHouse(ThreeLittlePigs[turn]))
                //The big bad wolf blows the house down.
                 //The little pigs runs to the next pigs house for safety.
                //The next pig helps the little pigs in need.
                 //The big bad wolf blows the house down.
                //The Little Pig makes a Fire.
                //The Big Bad Wolf Leaves.

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